I work the cell builders and graft - all Italian stock this go around. I also check the progress of some of the nucs. I have old frames that I am cleaning and have an extremely small solar wax melter that I use to clean them, two at a time, so that has to get checked daily. I let the empty frames stack up to repair and put foundation in at a later time. Some equipment didn't get painted in the winter like I had planned so I paint some of the boxes and feeder boards that are in need.
The rest of the day is totally consumed by off-grid and general chores. I make a gas run for fuel for the generator. It was laundry day, so that comes inside from drying out on the line and gets folded. The well was on so I bottled fresh drinking water and deep watered the orchard. I also had to finish processing some wild game meat before the day ended. To wrap it up I take a question on bees and post it under our Beekeeping page. Todays Q & A is about relocating established hives from walls, buildings, or other inconvient locations.