We are starting to analyze our self sufficiency. Our goal is to either be able to trade, make, grow, or forage for the things we need. Almost accomplished that with dinner tonight. We had a stir-fry made from homegrown asparagus, onions, and nappa cabbage, Javelina meat from my hunt (can't get anymore organic than that!). The only thing purchased was some carrots I chopped up to add. So carrot seed went on my list and an area in the garden needs added, so also need good soil.
I went through the "materials bone yard" from yesterday and put some stuff up on a new "Trade Page"........our wants/needs are listed on the bottom. As I get cleaning and organized, the items available for trade will grow enormously!
I NEED to make a recycling run. Whenever we are out hiking we pick up trash from people dumping in the desert. We don't get garbage service here and I refuse to pay the commercial fees for a dumpster. We are lucky enough to have space to pile things according to metal type: Thin metals, heavy metal, aluminium, etc. We have a place we take our plastics on Ajo Way near Country Club Road. However, we lost our glass recycling place - used to be on Pennsylvania Ave, they paid around 3 cents a pound lol! but everytime I go by they are closed. So now for glass and other items I use the Recycling Containers by the library at the corner of Ajo Way and Mission Road. By being attentive to what garbage we make we rarely have to go to the dump.