I bundled up and fed all the animals in the evening and fought the cold wind and rain to check to see if the chicken coop was still standing. This is our second metal shed conversion to coop attempt. The other was demolished in a horrible microburst. Glad there were no chickens yet. So excited on those chicks! a 50 chick straight run (unsexed, multi-breed surprise) will arrive the third week of February. One of our self-sustaining homestead goals is fresh eggs and broilers.
This morning we ordered a Camellia Sinensis - Tea Plant. We shall experiment on growing it in our region. With this purchase and possible addition to the ranch we hope to supply our own green and black tea for consumption. Dan has two cups of green tea and honey every morning. It is facinating that both teas come from the same plant. Me on the other hand.........well, I'm a coffee drinker. Still having difficutly deciding if I should quit or try to put in some coffee plants (lol).