Scientific Name: Mentzelia multiflora
Common Name: Adonis Blazingstar
Also Called: Stickleaf, Adonis Blazing Star, Adonis Stickleaf, Desert Blazingstar, Manyflowered Mentzelia, Prairie Stickleaf (Spanish: Pega-pega, Rama Pegajosa, Buena Mujer)
Size: Up to 2½ feet or more.
Flower Color: Yellow, golden yellow, rarely white; usually 10 petals up to 2 inches across
Flowering Season: March to October; may flower year-round at lower elevations
Elevation: 100 to 7,500 feet.
Notes: Open sunny areas in dry, sandy well-drained soil, likes disturbed soil. Has sticky leaves that like to grab onto your clothes. It is said that the Navajo used the flowers infused as an eyewash and also parched the seeds and ground them in a stone mortar as a food staple. This plant is prolific in my yard, especially popping up in disturbed soil. The bees and other pollinators find it highly beneficial. Great pollen source almost year round.
Great for pollinator garden, can be found at local nurseries around Tucson.
Homestead Plant #Native01
Common Name: Adonis Blazingstar
Also Called: Stickleaf, Adonis Blazing Star, Adonis Stickleaf, Desert Blazingstar, Manyflowered Mentzelia, Prairie Stickleaf (Spanish: Pega-pega, Rama Pegajosa, Buena Mujer)
Size: Up to 2½ feet or more.
Flower Color: Yellow, golden yellow, rarely white; usually 10 petals up to 2 inches across
Flowering Season: March to October; may flower year-round at lower elevations
Elevation: 100 to 7,500 feet.
Notes: Open sunny areas in dry, sandy well-drained soil, likes disturbed soil. Has sticky leaves that like to grab onto your clothes. It is said that the Navajo used the flowers infused as an eyewash and also parched the seeds and ground them in a stone mortar as a food staple. This plant is prolific in my yard, especially popping up in disturbed soil. The bees and other pollinators find it highly beneficial. Great pollen source almost year round.
Great for pollinator garden, can be found at local nurseries around Tucson.
Homestead Plant #Native01
Photos copyright Monica M King, no use without written permission.
Page last updated 9/06/2022. Copyright 2022
Page last updated 9/06/2022. Copyright 2022